Tuesday, February 17, 2009


On Friday, Shayla got a new cat. She's still a kitten, actually. Shay has been wanting a cat for a long time and when we took Callie (our dog) into the vet office, we saw a posting for this cat. Someone had put her in a basket and left her on the doorstep of some people. They wanted to keep her, but their other cat didn't get along with her.

So, Shayla wanted her (of course) when she saw her. The people named her Dutchess, but when we got to the pickup Shayla said she named her Patches. I don't know where she got that name from, but she's happy with it.

Patches is a truly amazing cat. I prayed Shayla would get a good one and God definitely answered that prayer. Patches rode home on Shayla's lap and as you can see, lets Shayla hold her in all kinds of ways. We plan on making her an outside cat, but for now she sleeps on Shayla's bed every night and watches cartoons with her in the morning.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Cute pictures. Shayla does look happy to have her cat.

Our girls just have to be happy with the neighbors' animals right now.